knock you down
- went shopping with mamadukes but she tricked me
- ended up paying for things she was suppose to pay for
- i ended up with less than $20 in my bank once again
- tried contacting boyfriend plenty of times but he was to cool for me cause he was with gns
- had talks with mamadukes, she knows everything now except that i drive on the highway
- might upgrade form my sidekick id to an lx or 2008 model, in pink obviously
- & no pink is not my favorite color
- stayed home all day long on my boyfriends birthday
- c2 gns, i hate you all cause you stole him from me! lol
- started a choreo to what it is - sophia fresh & knock you down - keri hilson, ne-yo & kanye
- i like my "knock you down" choreo, reminds me of my boyfriend tehehe
- i miss danny nguyen
- jaye mad me mad because i wanted to put the knock you down video on my blog but is on his
- i wanan watch 17 again cause Zach efron is sexy in that movie
- but to bad i don't find him sexy in reality, major turn off he doesn't clean his ears
- western jam was sick, round illusionz are amazing!
- i'm addicted to sims2 and wii!
- i hate work fuck work !
- i want to go shopping some more! and continue buying my summer wardrobe!
- im failing math......