i'm at school once again in my co-op class. earlier today was so stressful only because of math. i don't seem to understand trigonometry at all. after class i usually have lunch plus a spare but today i just drove home to talk to my boyfriend and of course eat breakfast/lunch. i ate pancakes for breakfast and in half n hour i ate a Jamaican patty. it was 12:10PM and next period starts at 12:20PM. i drove my ass back to school just in time. Now i'm back onto the computer. During my "15 minute break-time" I got to talking to John Martillano as usual. Ended up talking to my best friend Ulysses as well then talking to Josh. And then John walked me to class - thanks dawggy. Not really excited for today since I have work so yeah.
yesterday i had attempted to create a new layout for my blogspot but unfortunate fail. there was this one big problem that i just didn't know how to fix so i left my current layout up and once i find out how to fix the problem that's when my new layout will be up. something i noticed was that alot more people have gotten blogspots that i need to add. so if you aren't on my current list right now i will be adding you once the new layout is out. Honestly I can't wait until i put the new layout up I'm quite excited. damn i'm such a nerd.
well i haven't much updated recently either so to all those people who stalk and read my blog i apologize for not updating in a while. So i'll recap things/randomness/everything or at least try to.
- many people put thier blogs on private and i find it annoying
- my boyfriends birthday is coming up and im still having thoughts for his present =]
- valentines day is right around the corner
- i recently drove on the highway my first time to go downtown
- and then had gotten my keys taken away because i came home half n hour late
- i found out my colors for prom but im still debating on it
- my friend may create my dress for prom
- i still have no clue what i want to do for after prom
- i recently also got accepted to Sheridan, humber is still an option as well but George brown i'm still waiting
- my tongue piercing is completely healed & i still want my lip and monroe done!
- i changed my choreo for circus (incomplete)
- i owe my cousin $280 for a bridemaid dress
- i am hella broke
- i still want to redecorate my room or even move into the basement
- i want to quit my job!!!!!
- i start working at h&m after family day how exciting!
- i hate how i can't buy crepes anymore because a person who works there dislikes me and doesn't make it properly when i order
- my cousin is going to give birth in march and i have no clue when her babyshower is
i'll try and update as much as possible!